SCOPS Podcast

Don’t Panic! Coping with a diagnosis of multi-anthelmintic resistance

Episode Summary

In this final episode we discuss multi anthelmintic resistance. Ben is joined by Dr David Bartley, vet Emily Gascoigne and farm manager David Cotterell.

Episode Notes

In this episode we are talking about multi-anthelmintic resistance and what to do if and when this happens. You have probably heard a lot about increasing resistance to anthelmintics in recent years and there are now reports that worms on some sheep farms have resistance to more than one class of wormer. So in this episode we’ll be asking what this really means. 

Ben's co-host is Dr David Bartley, who is a Principal Investigator in the Disease Control Division of Moredun Research Institute. Guests include vet Emily Gascoigne who is based in Dorset and David Cotterell, the farm manager at Kingston Maurward College in Dorchester. The panel tell us what they have learned when it comes to tackling multi anthelmintic resistance on farms and how to maintain effective worm control. 

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Host: Ben Eagle 

Co-host: Dr David Bartley (Moredun Research Institute)

Guests: Emily Gascoigne (vet, Dorset); David Cotterell (farm manager, Dorset)